Saturday, 25 March 2017

Meet Rolek Retirement Strategies

We’re committed to delivering financial confidence to America’s growing retirement community.
Meet  Kyle  Rolek,  CFP®,  AWMA  As  a  retirement  advisor  and  Certified  Financial  Planner,  Kyle Rolek  is  focused  on  helping  clients work toward their retirement  dreams  through  a  well-­‐thought-­‐out  strategy  for   retirement  income.  Kyle  Rolek  graduated  in  2009  from   Lafayette  College  in  Easton,  PA  with  a  degree  in  economics  and   business.  He  got  his  start  in  the  industry  in  2009  with  a  global   Fortune  500  leader  where  he  was  consistently  ranked  as  a  top   advisor  within  his  firm.  He  moved  up  the  ranks  into  an   executive  role  before  moving  on  to  pursue  his  mission  of   they  want  to  be  by  forming  Rolek  Retirement  Strategies empowering  people  with  the  education  they  need  to  get  where. Kyle  Rolek  is  a  member  of  the  Financial  Educators  NetworkTM.   Since  2001,  the  Financial  Educators  NetworkTM  has  enabled   schools  and  universities  to  provide  high  quality  financial   education  as  a  part  of  their  continuing  and  adult  education   programs.  As  part  of  the  Financial  Educators  NetworkTM,  Kyle   Rolek  serves  as  an  instructor  for  adult  learning  courses  at   hosted  at  local  colleges  and  universities.  Courses  were  held  at  300  schools  throughout  the  nation  in  2015  and  were  attended   by  over  50,000  people.  Over  500,000  adults  have  attended  the   courses  since  2001.      In  addition  to  his  Certified  Financial  Planner  certification   provided  through  the  Certified  Financial  Planner  Board  of   Standards,  Kyle  Rolek  has  earned  his  Accredited  Wealth   Management  Advisor  (AWMA)  designation  through  the  College   for  Financial  Planning.  Kyle  is  a  member  of  the  Financial   Advisory  Network,  Financial  Professionals  Network,  NextGen   Financial  Advisor  Network  and  Global  Insurance  Network.  A   resident  of  Philadelphia,  Kyle  Rolek  enjoys  traveling,  attending   sporting  events,  fitness,  running  and  spending  time  with  family   and  friends.      To  schedule  a  time  to  discuss  developing  your  retirement   strategy,  contact  Kyle  at  or   call  the  office  at  267.427.5667  today!  

Meet Rolek Retirement Strategies

We’re committed to delivering financial confidence to America’s growing retirement community.

Meet  Kyle  Rolek,  CFP®,  AWMA  As  a  retirement  advisor  and  Certified  Financial  Planner,  Kyle Rolek  is  focused  on  helping  clients work toward their retirement  dreams  through  a  well-­‐thought-­‐out  strategy  for   retirement  income.  Kyle  Rolek  graduated  in  2009  from   Lafayette  College  in  Easton,  PA  with  a  degree  in  economics  and   business.  He  got  his  start  in  the  industry  in  2009  with  a  global   Fortune  500  leader  where  he  was  consistently  ranked  as  a  top   advisor  within  his  firm.  He  moved  up  the  ranks  into  an   executive  role  before  moving  on  to  pursue  his  mission  of   they  want  to  be  by  forming  Rolek  Retirement  Strategies empowering  people  with  the  education  they  need  to  get  where. Kyle  Rolek  is  a  member  of  the  Financial  Educators  NetworkTM.   Since  2001,  the  Financial  Educators  NetworkTM  has  enabled   schools  and  universities  to  provide  high  quality  financial   education  as  a  part  of  their  continuing  and  adult  education   programs.  As  part  of  the  Financial  Educators  NetworkTM,  Kyle   Rolek  serves  as  an  instructor  for  adult  learning  courses  at   hosted  at  local  colleges  and  universities.  Courses  were  held  at  300  schools  throughout  the  nation  in  2015  and  were  attended   by  over  50,000  people.  Over  500,000  adults  have  attended  the   courses  since  2001.      In  addition  to  his  Certified  Financial  Planner  certification   provided  through  the  Certified  Financial  Planner  Board  of   Standards,  Kyle  Rolek  has  earned  his  Accredited  Wealth   Management  Advisor  (AWMA)  designation  through  the  College   for  Financial  Planning.  Kyle  is  a  member  of  the  Financial   Advisory  Network,  Financial  Professionals  Network,  NextGen   Financial  Advisor  Network  and  Global  Insurance  Network.  A   resident  of  Philadelphia,  Kyle  Rolek  enjoys  traveling,  attending   sporting  events,  fitness,  running  and  spending  time  with  family   and  friends.      To  schedule  a  time  to  discuss  developing  your  retirement   strategy,  contact  Kyle  at  or   call  the  office  at  267.427.5667  today!  

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Meet Kyle Rolek, CFP®, AWMA

As a retirement advisor and Certified Financial Planner, Kyle Rolek is focused on helping clients work toward their retirement dreams through a well-thought-out strategy for retirement income. Kyle Rolek graduated in 2009 from Lafayette College in Easton, PA with a degree in economics and business. He got his start in the industry in 2009 with a global Fortune 500 leader where he was consistently ranked as a top advisor within his firm. He moved up the ranks into an executive role before moving on to pursue his mission of empowering people with the education they need to get where they want to be by forming Rolek Retirement Strategies.

Kyle Rolek is a member of the Financial Educators Network™. Since 2001, the Financial Educators Network™ has enabled schools and universities to provide high quality financial education as a part of their continuing and adult education programs. As part of the Financial Educators Network™, Kyle Rolek serves as an instructor for adult learning courses at hosted at local colleges and universities. Courses were held at 300 schools throughout the nation in 2015 and were attended by over 50,000 people. Over 500,000 adults have attended the courses since 2001.

Meet Rolek Retirement Strategies

We’re committed to delivering financial confidence to America’s growing retirement community. We work hard to understand what is important to each client and build a strategy to help them accomplish the things they want in retirement. At Rolek Retirement Strategies, we have the client—and only the client—in mind. Our commitment is to utilize all of our resources to help you live a confident retirement. 

To schedule a time to discuss developing your retirement strategy, contact Kyle at or call the office at 267.427.5667 today!

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Meet Rolek Retirement Strategies

Meet Rolek Retirement Strategies

We’re committed to delivering financial confidence to America’s growing retirement community. We work hard to understand what is important to each client and build a strategy to help them accomplish the things they want in retirement. At Rolek Retirement Strategies, we have the client—and only the client—in mind. Our commitment is to utilize all of our resources to help you live a confident retirement.

Meet Kyle Rolek, CFP®, AWMA

As a retirement advisor and Certified Financial Planner, Kyle Rolek is focused on helping clients work toward their retirement dreams through a well-thought-out strategy for retirement income. Kyle Rolek graduated in 2009 from Lafayette College in Easton, PA with a degree in economics and business. He got his start in the industry in 2009 with a global Fortune 500 leader where he was consistently ranked as a top advisor within his firm. He moved up the ranks into an executive role before moving on to pursue his mission of empowering people with the education they need to get where they want to be by forming Rolek Retirement Strategies.

Kyle Rolek is a member of the Financial Educators Network™. Since 2001, the Financial Educators Network™ has enabled schools and universities to provide high quality financial education as a part of their continuing and adult education programs. As part of the Financial Educators Network™, Kyle Rolek serves as an instructor for adult learning courses at hosted at local colleges and universities. Courses were held at 300 schools throughout the nation in 2015 and were attended by over 50,000 people. Over 500,000 adults have attended the courses since 2001.

To schedule a time to discuss developing your retirement strategy, contact Kyle at or call the office at 267.427.5667 today!

Friday, 10 March 2017


Kyle Rolek teaches adult education courses that help people learn to create well thought out retirement income strategies. Kyle graduated in 2009 from Lafayette College in Easton, PA with a degree in economics and business. He got his start in the financial services industry in 2009 with a global Fortune 500 leader where he was consistently ranked as a top financial advisor within his firm. He formed Rolek Retirement Strategies to create a formal education service that teaches people how to retire with confidence.

Rolek Retirement Strategies

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Catch-Up Contributions

By Posted Kyle Rolek
A recent survey found that 37% of people were very confident about having enough money to live comfortably through their retirement years. At the same time, 28% were not confident.¹
Congress in 2001 passed a law that can help older workers make up for lost time. But few may understand how this generous offer can add up over time.²
The “catch-up” provision allows workers who are over age 50 to make contributions to their qualified retirement plans in excess of the limits imposed on younger workers.

How It Works

Contributions to a traditional 401(k) plan are limited to $18,000 in 2016. Those who are over age 50—or who reach age 50 before the end of the year—may be eligible to set aside up to $24,000 in 2016.³
Setting aside an extra $6,000 each year into a tax-deferred retirement account has the potential to make a big difference in the eventual balance of the account. And, by extension, in the eventual income the account may generate. (See accompanying illustration.)

Catch-Up Contributions and the Bottom Line

This chart traces the hypothetical balances of two 401(k) plans. The blue line traces a 401(k) account into which the maximum regular annual contributions are made each year, but no catch-up contributions. The green line traces a 401(k) account into which the maximum regular and full catch-up contributions are made each year.
Upon reaching retirement at age 67, both accounts begin making payments of $4,000 a month.
The hypothetical account without catch-up contributions will be exhausted by the time its beneficiary reaches age 83.